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Dr Karyn Carson 

Director and Principal Speech-Language Pathologist

Karyn is a certified practising speech-language pathologist with over 20 years' experience working with toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged children and young adults with speech, language and literacy difficulties across Australia and New Zealand.  Karyn is a national and international published author on topics related to speech and language development and reading disorders.  She has received an Australian Council of Deans of Education/Australian Association for Research in Education Research Award for her work in predicting early reading difficulties through screening methods utilised in preschool settings.  Karyn gained her Bachelor (2005) and PhD qualifications (2012) at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, and currently provides leadership to our speech-language pathology team at The Soundmill Centre as well as supporting our young learners.  Karyn provides specialist knowledge in the areas of early speech and language development, emergent literacy development, school-aged language and literacy difficulties, and dyslexia.  


Tegan (Play and Feeding Guru)

Senior Speech-Language Pathologist

Tegan is a certified practising speech-language pathologist with over 8 years’ experience working with toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged children and young adults with speech, language, literacy, social skills and feeding difficulties.

Tegan completed her Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) at Flinders University prior to completing her Master of Speech Pathology degree in 2015. She has worked extensively in private practices across Adelaide.  Tegan has special interests in the areas of autism spectrum disorder, early intervention and paediatric feeding difficulties.


Ella (Speech Sound Setter)

Speech-Language Pathologist

Ella is a certified practising speech-language pathologist who is committed to making sure that all young learners have a positive and enjoyable experience with their speech, language and literacy journey.  With a background in disability support and youth sports coaching, her flexible and adaptable approach ensures that she can cater to the unique needs and preferences of each individual, taking into consideration their neurodivergent characteristics. Ella also brings a playful and engaging spirit to her sessions, fostering a fun and encouraging atmosphere that helps children connect with and benefit from their speech therapy journey.  Ella's passion lies in assisting young learners across various areas of speech-language pathology, including stuttering, early intervention, literacy, and speech sound disorders.


Genevieve (Self-Regulation Genius)

Speech-Language Pathologist and PhD Candidate

Gen is a dedicated and passionate certified practising speech-language pathologist at the Soundmill Centre. With a heart for early intervention, Gen is on a mission to make a difference in the lives of children and their families. Currently pursuing her PhD exploring the importance self-regulation strategies within speech pathology sessions, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her work, ensuring that every child receives the best possible care. Gen's commitment to helping children communicate and thrive shines through in every session.  Gen has special interests in the areas of early intervention, self-regulation, and autism spectrum disorder.


Laura (Games Master)

Senior Allied Health Assistant | Pre-Service Speech-Language Pathologist

Laura is a senior allied health assistant and pre-service speech-language pathologist currently studying at the University of South Australia with 3-years' experience working with young learners.  Laura has a strong interest in online learning and the effective delivery of online speech-language pathology services for young learners across Australia.  As a pre-service speech-language pathologist, Laura is refining her knowledge of the links between speech-language difficulties and literacy development, in particular the role of speech-language pathologists in the prevention and remediation of reading disorders such as dyslexia.  


Robert (Organisation Specialist)

Administration and Finance

Rob is our Administration and Finance Manager at The Soundmill Centre. With a background in business administration and a knack for working with people of all ages, Rob ensures that our practice runs smoothly and is a welcoming place for our families to visit. His expertise allows our speech pathologists to focus on transforming lives through effective assessment and intervention practices.  Rob's dedication to operational efficiency make him an invaluable asset to our team.  

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