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Why a Dyslexia Assessment Can Benefit Your Child?
A dyslexia assessment can be the first step to getting your child the support they require to meet their full literacy potential. At The Soundmill Centre, we provide comprehensive testing using a combination of activities, structured observation, parent report and more to identify key areas where your child could benefit from professional assistance. We will provide comprehensive support and a tailored treatment plan to assist your child in overcoming the struggles associated with their dyslexia.
The Importance of a Dyslexia Test
The severity of dyslexia can vary between people, which is why comprehensive testing is important. The benefits of getting a professional test include:
A personalised treatment plan: After an initial assessment with our professionals, we create a tailored treatment plan for each individual to ensure that it meets their specific requirements. Our consultations, assessments, and therapy sessions stem from research and evidence-based techniques and strategies that can help to improve your child’s learning.
Accommodations at school: A dyslexia test can give teachers the assistance they need to make certain accommodations at school to benefit your child’s learning. These allowances may include more time to complete a test or eligibility for certain programmes.
Improve self-esteem: Helping your child with dyslexia to overcome learning difficulties can improve their self-esteem. Understanding how their brain functions when it comes to reading and writing can help to take the burden off your child if they have the mindset that something is wrong with them. A test can also highlight your child’s cognitive strengths, which can boost their self-esteem.
Why Trust the Soundmill Centre Regarding Dyslexia Testing?
We provide an excellent family-friendly service and focus on positive and sustainable outcomes that best suit your needs.
Highly experienced staff: Our staff are qualified and trained Speech Pathologists. We tailor our sessions to each individual and use the best research-based practices to support your child with speech, language, and literacy development.
Flexible service: We provide a flexible service, which means you can choose a location for therapy sessions that best suit your family. Our practitioner can visit your child at their day-care centre, kindergarten or school or you can opt to visit our warm and friendly clinic. We also offer web-based sessions to accommodate families nationwide.
Community focus: Our treatment plans include the learner’s community such as family, teachers and other professionals to help your child reach their potential in literacy and language development.
What You Should Know About Dyslexia and Speech Therapy
Many people are familiar with the concept of dyslexia but believe that it mostly involves reversing letters when reading or reading words backwards. Reading is one of the issues with which people with dyslexia struggle, but it’s not the only symptom. Here are some common signs of dyslexia for people of different ages.
Ages three and four: Pre-schoolers a-risk for dyslexia may begin talking later than their peers. They may have trouble learning left and right; they may also exhibit difficulty learning to tie their shoes. Rhyming may present a challenge.
Ages five and six: Around this age, dyslexia symptoms may become more obvious. Children may begin to complain about how hard reading is or say that they don’t want to go to school. They may have trouble sounding out simple words such as “map” or “cat.”
Ages seven to 12: Unfortunately, many teachers are not trained to recognise the signs of dyslexia. During these years, students may still be slow in learning to read, and they may read slowly or awkwardly. They may have trouble with new words and avoid reading aloud whenever possible. They may also exhibit messy handwriting or have trouble remembering details such as dates and names.
The teen years and beyond: During these years, people with dyslexia may have to exert great mental effort when reading, and they are unlikely to read for pleasure. When speaking, they may use vague or imprecise language or a lot of “umms,” or they may have a limited spoken vocabulary. Sadly, these individuals may feel “stupid” despite earning good marks in other areas.
Benefits of Speech Therapy at The Soundmill Centre for Kids with Dyslexia
Although dyslexia is often thought of as a condition that primarily affects reading, it also has a major relationship with speech. People with dyslexia can have trouble identifying speech sounds and may fall behind on reading comprehension as a result. A speech therapist can help build literacy in several ways, including treatment and support for:
Phonemic awareness skills
Oral language comprehension
Auditory processing skills
Word-retrieval skills
Fundamental letter-sound knowledge
Short-term memory
The truth is that most kids with dyslexia can excel in the classroom, but they need assistance to do so. If you are concerned about your child, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Soundmill Centre.
About The Soundmill Centre
We provide professional speech and language pathology and literacy services to support your child in reaching their potential. Our experienced, skilled, and friendly team offers consultations, assessments and treatment plans for learners who have dyslexia and other learning disorders. We can also provide a comprehensive test to determine if your child has dyslexia. Our practitioners are qualified speech-language pathologists, and we can guarantee that your child or teenager receives top-quality care. Contact us today to discuss dyslexia testing and how it can help improve your child’s learning.
Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention

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